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Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care

Arnoudt Schoppers

Arnoudt Schoppers, MSc

  • React Native Developer


Arnoudt Schoppers develops digital health applications focused on innovative digital biomarkers for fatigue assessment. Since May 2024, he has been working as an assistant researcher at the UZH Digital and Mobile Health Group. His role involves software development with applications in health technology.

Arnoudt's academic background includes a master’s in political science from Leiden University, and a master’s in public administration from the University of Twente. In the past years, Arnoudt worked on developing innovative healthcare solutions. Since 2022, he has worked for multiple healthcare startups within Switzerland. In 2023 his team won the DayOne Health Hack, and the startup he co-founded reached the top 10 in the Digital Health Nation Innovation Booster.