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Rahel Naef is a registered nurse and holds a PhD in nursing science from the University of Manchester/UK (2015). After her initial nursing training (Red Cross School of Nursing in Zurich, today under the name "Careum", 1996), she worked as a staff nurse at the University Hospital Zurich (1997-2002).
She then obtained a Bachelor of Science (York University, Toronto, 2004) and a Master’s degree in Nursing (University of Toronto, 2005).
After returning from Canada, she headed the Nursing Practice Development Unit at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (2006-2007).
Between 2008 and 2016, Rahel was a Research Associate at the Institute of Nursing, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur.
She then joined the Centre of Clinical Nursing Science at the University Hospital Zurich in 2016 as a Clinical Nurse Scientist. There she initiated a research program focusing on effective delivery of family support interventions and successful uptake of family engagement practices in acute-critical care. In September 2021, she received the Venia Legendi of the Faculty of Medicine for the area of nursing science.
In May 2020, she was appointed Assistant Professor for Implementation Science in Nursing.
Link to the inaugural lecture on 14 May 2022
Professor Rahel Naef on ORCID
Selected publications